Buzzword or Bunk?


buzzwordsGrowth Hacking
Native Advertising
Snackable Content
It Factor

As a marketing agency, we often get unusual requests. When the cloud first started emerging as a new buzzword, we received a call from a manufacturer that wanted the cloud. Some years later, a few IT professionals at a hosting company created an exceptional depiction of the cloud. They put white fluffy quilt filling in an empty server rack and prominently labeled it the cloud.

While it is important to stay on top of changes, it is equally important to understand how the latest buzzword will help meet your business goals. Start with the basics.

  • What are your objectives?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Why is this important to the buyer and your business?
  • How will you measure results?

That said, buzzwords are important to marketing—especially if your company invents them. One call to Veritas Marketing can help you develop your own it factor to bigger profits.